Blister & Skin-Pack

The variety of technologies and configuration of both type packaging skin-pack and blister is quite broad. Differences lies in the types of materials used and construction solutions

Skin-pack is in short range on the carton packingby sucking on the soft filmThe method of packing is recommended for short runsa large number of diverse product range. Low-costed when it comes to run production - does not require specialized accessories for welding machines

Blister packaging is a versatile, very fulfilling functions for display. This may take the form of cardboard with foil, warmed by moldingplastic rib on both sideshave "eurohole" to hang on a display or stand to be placed on the shelf. Freedom of design and material combinations is large, dependent on client vision and budget for the package.


We have created separate web site that describes the technology of skin-pack →

skin-pack      skin-pack      skin-pack      skin-pack      skin-pack      skin-pack      skin-pack      skin-pack 



We have created a separate service devoted entirely to the blister pack →   

blister    blister    blisters    blister cards    blister    blisters    blister    blister